その50 『ハネムーン編①』

Episode 50: "Honeymoon ①"



>Canada, both of our 2nd home country was one of the candidate honeymoon destinations...

but we came to a conclusion that we should choose somewhere resort and where we haven't been...BALI!

Him: "What's the language in Bali?"
Me: "Indonesian!! ...or English"


>Mr. Boo only had this passport expired LONG time ago (ever since he came back from Canada)

so he got his passport renewed after reserving the flight.


>He asked me to give him a short role-play so he can get used to the English speaking environment once again.

Him: "Ask me something in English!"
Me: "Alright, let me get you some other situation here"


>Him: "Guess what, I know exactly what I'm gonna say when I'm asked the purpose of the stay...HONEYMOON<3"



Off we go to BALI !! (During our flight)

We spent and enjoyed our OWN time ;P

Me: (Sleep) Him: (Game)


>(at Immigration...)

HE DIDN'T ASK(nor speak) A WORD!!!!!!!
