>Even though we both had been in oversea for years, it was our first time visiting an Asian country.
There were so many culture shocks in Bali.
>Even though we both had been in oversea for years, it was our first time visiting an Asian country.
There were so many culture shocks in Bali.
>The biggest shocks were motorcycle issue...
Look how many people on a motorcycle!
Not wearing a helmet!
Kid is driving!
> and stray dog issue...!
So many stray dogs!
Is there any dogs for pet?
Isn't it dangerous with all these motorcycles on a street?
>And understanding their English and Japanese with Indonesian accent was a struggle.
Whenever Mr. Boo didn't get it, I did, and vice versa.
>When we got a car chartered for touring temples...
Local driver: "Have you tried 'folk lift'?"
Me: "Hey, Mr. Boo, he said 'folk lift', right?"
Him: "Yeah I'm sure he said that."
>Us: "NO." (maybe he's talking about a folk lift ride experience or something)
Driver: "Really, you are missing out! It's so yummy!"
Us: (How can a folk lift be yummy?! What?)
>Here is what it is....the driver was saying "PORK RIB", not folk lift lol
By the way, his pronunciation of "beach" sounded "bit*h" to us, too