>We went to school together since grade 8 in Japanese school.
Japanese school consist of kindergarten, elementary, jr. high and high school part.
Mr. Boo joined in grade 5, and I did in grade 8.
>We went to school together since grade 8 in Japanese school.
Japanese school consist of kindergarten, elementary, jr. high and high school part.
Mr. Boo joined in grade 5, and I did in grade 8.
>We went to local Canadian school on weekdays, went to Japanese school on Saturdays.
>In Japanese school we were taught with the textbooks the students in Japan actually use, and we had to learn the same amount in a day that they spend an entire week for.
>Mr. Boo and I were in the same group of close friends, communicating with chat.
We used to go out together for bowling, karaoke, or to the amusement park.
Friend A: "Who's up for bowling next week?"
Friend B: "Sound's cool, I'm up!"
Mr. Boo: "Me, too!"
Min: "Me, three!"
>Min: "Wanna go to Canada again with you one day and pretend we're in that TV show 'an*ther sky'!!'"
(I love looking at old pictures and letters from years ago and be in that moment)
Mr. Boo: ".........."
>Mr. Boo: "NO! I'm happy with playing game and having you with me. My only sky is here!"
(He does not care too much about the past, he is enjoying his life now)
My proposal was denied!